Click Here to Donate

Your financial contributions are a simple and powerful way to support Jazz Center of Bellingham. We are a nonprofit organization run by volunteers. Any support—small or large—is greatly appreciated and will be put to efficient, effective, essential use. There are many ways to provide support, including: make a one-time donation of your choosing, sponsor a show ($1,000) or become a season sponsor ($5,000+). We would be happy to talk with you about these and other opportunities.

Make a tax deductible donation and support jazz music and aspiring young musicians right here in our community. Generous donations in the past:

  • have provided instruments and scholarships to young musicians

  • have made possible the rental and transfer of a 9’ grand piano

  • have made it possible to bring the highest quality jazz to our stage, and to pay musicians a fair wage

  • have always provided the security of knowing that Jazz Center of Bellingham can continue to provide great live music

Each and every donation helps keep this 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts and education organization going strong. Thank you for your donation! [button for one time donation]